The asset classes for investment include stocks and bonds, commodities and realty. The best picks depend on personal factors like financial status and risk tolerance.
This site serves as a resource for innovation and growth in a global marketplace. The topics range from complex markets and chaotic patterns to transient waves and lasting trends. The studies and reviews span the rainbow from surveys and outlooks to roadmaps and guidelines for making headway in a creative economy. The target audience includes self-starters of all stripes, from resourceful students and budding entrepreneurs to worldly investors and public officials.
About Me
I relish trends and plans for growth in a global marketplace. The topics range from creative technologies and vibrant markets to vanguard ventures and future prospects. For this purpose, the techniques run the gamut from conceptual models and statistical probes to pithy graphics and cross-disciplinary studies. Meanwhile, the applications focus on innovation in complex fields ranging from scientific research and product design to business strategy and public policy.
The blog's header shows the aurora borealis, snapped by astronauts in space.