Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Grow and Prosper

Basic Laws of Personal Productivity,
Competitive Strategy and Public Policy

A universal set of guidelines can serve as the groundwork for progress and prosperity in any domain. For this purpose, the basic laws of growth deal with the selection of hearty goals along with their pursuit with rigor and dispatch.

The principles apply to the panoply of human enterprise, ranging from personal affairs and corporate strategies to government policies and international programs.


Growth and prosperity are hallmarks of the modern culture. The folks bent on forging ahead run the gamut from the workman and entrepreneur to the executive and politician.

For all the yearnings of progress, however, it’s hard to find anyone who goes about the business of advancement in a coherent way. Instead, the usual shtick suffers from a welter of lapses and missteps that trip up the decision maker. As a result, the mass of effort brought to bear on the task is haphazard and disjointed, or even worthless and downright counterproductive.

On the bright side, though, a universal set of maxims can serve as the foundation for a lucid course of action in any domain. In this light, the Code of Growth is applicable to the panoply of human endeavor, ranging from personal affairs and corporate campaigns to economic policies and multinational programs. From a different angle, the functions in hand run the gamut from creative work and vaulting innovation to financial regulation and international trade.

In a nutshell, the purpose of this primer is to explain how the basic laws of growth can be applied to the totality of innovation and enterprise in a world of constrained resources. The general guidelines are relevant to progressive projects in any domain, ranging from personal advancement and corporate strategy to public policy and global growth.

Note: This report is available from major distributors and retailers of electronic books. A notable example lies in Smashwords or Amazon.

The ebook is offered in a variety of formats ranging from PDF and HTML to EPUB and MOBI. For instance, clicking the image above will bring up detailed information on the version for Amazon Kindle.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Market Timing via Monthly and Holiday Patterns

A Free Lunch in the Stock Market 

The stock market displays a medley of patterns that can serve as the crux of a timing strategy. A showcase lies in the oft-seen surge of the market around the turn of the month as well as the run-up to a holiday.

As with all things, the timing strategy does have its shortcomings. An example involves the need to dart in and out of the market more than a dozen times a year in order to take full advantage of the patterns.

Another drawback stems from the higher rate of income tax on short-term profits as opposed to long-run gains in the stock market. The precise impact will of course depend on the specific circumstances such as the trader’s country of residence.

Despite of the hassles, though, trading with the calendar can deliver a higher payoff at less risk than the humdrum policy of buying stocks and holding them indefinitely. For this reason, a timing strategy based on monthly cycles and market holidays represents a free lunch on Wall Street.

Read more on Market Timing via Monthly and Holiday Patterns.

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