Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wildcats of Finance

Turning a Wrecking Ball into a Productive Vehicle
for Investors and Other Stakeholders

Wildcat groups such as hedge funds have played a growing role in causing or hiking blowups in the capital markets as well as the banking system. A showcase was the crisis of 2008, which ended up crippling the financial complex along with the real economy. The bombshell obliterated trillions of dollars from each of the major stock markets of the world, destroyed millions of jobs in sizable countries, and nixed trillions of dollars through lost output in the global marketplace.

This guidebook exposes the reality behind the illusion of profits in the hedge fund game. In plain language, the primer explains knotty issues like the following.
  • Why do the hedge funds destroy wealth?
  • How can the operators enrich themselves by delivering worse results to their customers?
  • Why does the true performance of the wildcats remain hidden from view of the investing public?
  • How do the custodians slash returns and hoist risk for their clients as well as the financial community and the entire society?
  • Why will the crash of 2008 and the global recession in its wake show up repeatedly, and cause greater devastation, unless proper safeguards are put in place beforehand?
  • How can public officials protect the stability of the markets?
  • How could the economic liability of hedge funds be turned into a social asset?
  • How can shrewd investors grow rather than wreck their capital?
The main audience for the book consists of active investors and earnest policymakers. Other types of readers include concerned professionals in the financial community as well as thoughtful observers in all walks of life.

Given the carnage to the real economy caused by reckless schemes in the financial sector, the message of this guidebook is in fact relevant to every member of the society at large.

Read more on Wildcats of Finance.

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